Found 28 matches for January 2015 and .top:

Domain nameDatePriceBroker
g.topJanuary 2015CN¥ 500,000.00 CNY55hl
88.topJanuary 2015CN¥ 250,000.00 CNY55hl
che.topJanuary 2015CN¥ 100,000.00 CNY55hl
top.topJanuary 2015CN¥ 100,000.00 CNYeN@me
music.topJanuary 2015CN¥ 80,000.00 CNY55hl
360.topJanuary 2015CN¥ 50,000.00 CNYAlibaba/HiChina
520.topJanuary 2015CN¥ 50,000.00
shop.topJanuary 2015CN¥ 50,000.00 CNY55hl
app.topJanuary 2015CN¥ 50,000.00 CNY55hl
p2p.topJanuary 2015CN¥ 50,000.00 CNY55hl
porn.topJanuary 2015CN¥ 50,000.00 CNY55hl
iot.topJanuary 2015CN¥ 46,000.00 CNY55hl
777.topJanuary 2015CN¥ 40,000.00 CNY55hl
222.topJanuary 2015CN¥ 40,000.00
cfa.topJanuary 2015CN¥ 40,000.00 CNY55hl
beer.topJanuary 2015CN¥ 38,000.00 CNY55hl
ktv.topJanuary 2015CN¥ 34,000.00 CNY55hl
365.topJanuary 2015$ 4,992.00 USD55hl
369.topJanuary 2015$ 4,992.00 USD55hl
fund.topJanuary 2015CN¥ 30,000.00 CNY55hl
frm.topJanuary 2015CN¥ 30,000.00 CNY55hl
0594.topJanuary 2015CN¥ 2,000.00 CNY55hl
0515.topJanuary 2015CN¥ 2,000.00 CNY55hl
0510.topJanuary 2015CN¥ 2,000.00 CNYeN@me
0512.topJanuary 2015CN¥ 2,000.00 CNYeN@me

0579.topJanuary 2015CN¥ 2,000.00 CNY55hl
0888.topJanuary 2015CN¥ 2,000.00 CNY55hl
0898.topJanuary 2015CN¥ 2,000.00 CNY55hl

Total price amount in this set of 28 domain name sales is 274,242.45 USD; average price is 9,794.37 USD.

Check also:

  • .top monthly statistics
  • January 2015 stats
  • .top registration renewal transfer prices