Found 6 matches for year 2021 and .coupons:

Domain nameDatePriceBroker
hotel.couponsDecember 2021$ 456.00 USDDynadot
the.couponsDecember 2021$ 225.00 USDDynadot
sex.couponsDecember 2021$ 70.00 USDDynadot
cigarettes.couponsNovember 2021$ 55.50 USDDynadot
videos.couponsJune 2021$ 52.50 USDDynadot
blockchain.couponsMay 2021$ 45.99 USDDynadot

Total price amount in this set of 6 domain name sales is 904.99 USD; average price is 150.83 USD.

Check also:

  • .coupons yearly statistics
  • year 2021 stats
  • .coupons registration renewal transfer prices